1:1 Mentoring
You & Me.
This is for those that know exactly what they want, they just need the guidance to get there. And what they want is a life of YES to MORE of what they want, and NO to anything that doesn't serve them. Is that you?
You don't have to figure it out on your own.
I know the feeling. You feel like you should have it figured out already. Everyone around you seems to be crushing it, so why can't you do the same?
But I promise, you don't have to. Every person you look up to has a mentor and it's your time.
Do you feel called to level up and challenge yourself in a way that feels authentic and not by someone else's playbook?
Do you feel like you can go a little deeper, get a little bit more vulnerable with yourself, so you can open up a few doors to the other side of F*CK YES?
Whether you want to scale your business, figure out how to launch it, or you're starting from ground zero, I'm here for you. We don't just focus on strategy - we talk YOUR mindset, soul, life, energy, and everything in between.
This ain't about hand holding, but it is about helping you get your heads out of the clouds.
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You never have to decide between either having everything you want or saying screw it all.
You can have the freedom you desire, the business that gets you there, and have fun while doing it. But you must be willing to do the deep work and face what you've been hiding from.

I see all your potential, even if you have doubts
When we work together as closely as we will in my 1:1, we will do the deep digging that you may have been trying to out work. See, when you burn yourself out, have a scarcity mindset, or lean into all or nothing thinking - it's for a reason. And sometimes it can be hard to figure out why and connect the dots. And if you don't connect the dots, you'll keep working on problem A, when you need to be focusing on problem D. Make sense?
That's why having a coach to ask the right questions (not solve all your problems) can help give you your power back.
And maybe you are already in a place where you DO have that awareness, but the next question is - are you integrating? Are you changing the triggers, body resistance, and behaviors that have been keeping you stuck?
Because you can be AWARE all you want, but if you aren't doing anything about it.....and it's the same sh*t day after day, I can bet you want things to change.
Here's what you can expect when we get down and dirty together 😏
- Customization. Everything is about you and for you. Any problems you have, we are going to get you 1 step closer to the WHY, the HOW, and the JOY in all of it.
- Help you figure out WHY you’ve been inconsistent (or stuck at the level you're at) and finally find a way to become self motivated so it sticks.
- Build that 1% more kind of belief in yourself and your ability to make money by identifying where the lack comes from. Confidence growth is a huge focus.
- Get you to feel comfortable about putting less on your plate, but still get shit done. BALANCE
- Help you find the freedom and independence you’ve been searching for (financial, time, and energetic)
- Improve yourself so your relationships improve.
- Gain clarity in the areas that are foggy.
Looking for a sample size?
Book a 90 minute session.
I love to work with you longer, but if you wanna see a sample size of what it's like to work with me, you can invest in it here:

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