Let's stop self sabotoging your dreams. ;)

Everything you want to achieve gets to be EASY and FUN.

I know you want to remove the stress out of getting your sh*t together.

You know you want to feel like taking action is something that comes with EASE and trust that you have your own back

I know what it feels like to want to show up authentically as you and not fix into a box.

You want to stop overworking yourself, but also see success that you know is right around the corner.

We aim to focus on consistency OVER perfection, simplicity VS over complication, and patience OVER "I need things to happen right now or I give up" 

Let's help you build something you are proud of.


Whatever the fear is, we eat that sh*t for breakfast.

And we do it SIMPLY.

We need to stop making success, growth, and wealth so g'damn HARD. I'm over it.

In my world, we focus on consistency OVER perfection, simplicity VS over complication, and patience OVER "I need things to happen right now or I give up" We are not toddlers that need to get our way or we have a tantrum at Olive Garden. K? :)

I'll bet you $1000 that you are currently over complicating the process to reach your goals and banging your head against the wall trying to work on the same thing you've been working on for the past year. Am I right? 😏

I know that feeling of having a million ideasbut not knowing what to do with them...

You brain goes 100 mph and you know you have potential, but the first step feels daunting.

You want to calm your mind, feel relaxed, but also crush every single goal you have.

And you REALLY have a big desire to put those ideas out to the world without getting backed into a corner with one way of doing things.

That's where our work together comes in :)

I want to dive in 1:1! 💛
I want community support! 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾

The Failure Diaries

My Youtube Channel dedicated to take the stigma away from failure and showing you that failing forward doesn't have to be so scary :)

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The changes you've been trying to make...

The urge to feel understood and seen...

The desire to have more time, financial, and energetic freedom...

You already have access to this, but if there are fears in the way and strategies not built for you and how you function, it can be hard to see everything available to you.

Here's what you can expect when we work together:

Your current situation:

  • Your task initiation and structure feels all over the place
  • Struggling to feel understood in a neurotypical world with your neurodivergent brain (possibly ADHD) 
  • Trying to find out how to build the life you love, without burning yourself out
  • Paralyzed by perfectionism, all or nothing thinking, and possibly even procrastination

What you want things to look like:

  • Day to day flowing with ease because you are no longer winging your life's game plan
  • Complete clarity and direction on what next steps to take and how to keep yourself accountable to doing it
  • Simple and easy strategies that help you feel like you have your sh*t together
  • Excitement and confidence, because you have a life and/or business you are proud of and know you are unique at what you do
  • Waking up with joy and motivation, because you can fully trust your process to reach the next level of success

Have you said this before?

 "I've already signed up for courses and coaches before and I just don't follow through, why would this be different?"

I know that feeling.  That is exactly why I wanted to do things differently.

I was tired and frustrated, because I would join a program or see something on social media, and they only talked about how you need to "think differently" but not an actual way to do so, at a root level.
I asked myself "why isn’t it easy?"
And that is the work I want to help entrepreneurs do.
FREE training on why things might not be working for you 😎

Ways to work together

Whether you either want to get your life together or grow your current business or business ideas in a sustainable way, we can help take the stress out or goal setting and help you stop putting so much pressure on yourself, while still seeing massive success.

I want to make reaching my goals FUN.

Private Mentorship

Taking the stress out building an out of the box life and/or business and making it fun consists of simple mental shifts and strategies so you actually take action and stop procrastinating

As we work together, you will learn how to make these simple shifts and equip yourself with strategies that will absolutely transform the way your do business and life.

Apply for 1:1 Mentorship

The Tough Love Collective Community

Making your dreams a reality can be frustrating! You are bound to hit road bumps and sometimes we can make ourselves feel we are the only one. Wrong. You are not alone and there is a community waiting to support you!

This is my ongoing, open community to help go getters, trend setters, and entrepreneurs (new or old) feel supported in building a life and/or business that feels fun and unique. There are bi-weekly calls & trainings, private support group, weekly body doubling zoom sessions to help keep you accountable, and some other goodies - this community is here for you.

Learn more about the TLC

Masterclasses and Workshops

I have a whole library of past masterclasses and offers that you can check out to help you move past fears, gain clarity of your million ideas, and get you the exact steps on how to launch your dreams into the world. This also includes a TON of juicy freebies as well. 

You can always DM me on IG or send me and email to learn about what new and exciting things I have coming up!

Check out the library

What the TLC is saying:

Kasey T.

For the past 5 years I have been trying to navigate life through chronic physical pain and illness as well as battling anxiety, depression, and OCD. For the past 2 years, I have been attempting to navigate these hurdles, without medication and without a consistent doctor. I have searched high and low for any medical professional to understand me. To hear me. To listen to my needs. 

In the meantime, I’ve been drowning in my health goals. I had an idea of what to do, but it was all just so much. Gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, intuitive eating, relapse, repeat. Meditation, journaling, I-statements, panic attacks, anger outbursts, repeat. Doing all of the things but not doing a single one of them, well.

I needed help. And then I found her. On Instagram.

I found a HOLISTIC HEALTH, WELLNESS, AND LIFE COACH. Everything she shared, everything she posted, it felt as if she were talking to just *me.*

I have felt so alone, for so long. Alexis made me feel seen. She made me feel heard. She made me feel understood. She gave me the reassurance that I was not crazy, dramatic, lazy, or a hypochondriac. She brought me peace while teaching me how to care for and nourish MYSELF. Alexis extended a hand and offered to pull me out of the mud I had been trying to grow through for so long. Alexis taught me, coached me, on how to save myself. She aided in lighting the way.

I am eternally grateful for the 8 weeks of work we put in together. I have a level of confidence that I never thought I could achieve. I have a level of inner peace that I never knew existed. I have the hope, the knowledge and the tools to feel confident that I AM healing my body, and my mind.

Alexis, thank you. 🙏🏻

Jamilyn J.

"Every single week I looked forward to getting to chat with her and dig deep into how I was holding myself back. I learned SO much about myself and feel like my life direction is headed somewhere I’m VERY excited about."

Through this program I was able to push aside fear and launch my YouTube channel, which is a constant work in progress, but still a huge step."

I’m working on regular morning routines, work outs, affirmations, and creative time, and there’s a bunch of trial and error! But I’m now not discouraged and getting down on myself that these things “will never happen” but telling myself to look at the growth, and if I continue to be consistent, I’ll get to where I want to be!"

Excited for much more goodness to come as I continue to work to be organized, creative, and consistent because of the tools Alexis gave me to succeed! Worth every penny!"

Nikki M.

When I signed up with Alexis, I felt so stuck in my brain that I couldn't see a way out of where I was. I was doing the right things and had all of the best intentions, but she helped me understand and work on the internal side of things that I was trying to "out work." Not only that, she was able to get me out of my own way and find a clear path forward. Sometimes, it really is about doing the work, staying patient and in alignment, and trusting yourself to get where you need to be. She helped me to rebuild the trust in myself that I'd lost and for that I'm forever grateful.

Hot off the press, this is what's going down NOW.

I always have a masterclass popping off that is POTENT and ready to serve, so these offers change all the time, but here is what my current pop up world is looking like:

Did I mention if you are apart of the Tough Love Collective, you automatically get all my masterclasses for free?

What's the Tough Love Collective?

Freedom, confidence, inner growth, and more wealth that feels authentic and real. 

The Tough Love Collective

This is the bread and butter of what I do. In the TLC, we focus on getting the root of what holds you back so you can feel more in control of your life, mind, business, relationships, ALL of it. We get comfortable with being uncomfortable, but in a way that feels good for you. We are aiming to have that next level, confidence and authenticity. We also make game plans that actually work, habits that actually stick, and mindset shifts that feel make you feel like "ok I can actually do this". And of course, we help you expand to that version of you that knows how to make that BANK. It's a process, but we're in this together. Come step into that new version of yourself ;)

Join the Collective

If you want tough love, I got you.

Tough Love from me does NOT mean that I will
• force you to do things you don’t want to
• be a d*ck to you
• yell at you
• have you do more and hustle more

This tough love is more about:
• challenging you to actually DO less
• Call you out on the things you haven’t noticed
• Help you see the false stories you tell yourself
• Hold accountable to what you said you would do (and support you when you don't, because I understand you)
• Encourage you to do the uncomfortable work in a way that works for YOU instead of what works for someone else
• and I love on you HARD - because I see your potential

I wanna help you have more light bulb moments that connect the dots for you

I want to help you realize your potential and get 1% closer to your true authentic, fearless nature every day. This isn't about magical confidence overnight, but realistic goals that fit what you really want.

I'm not here to fix your problems for you. I'm here to equip you, so you do it yourself. And of course, give you an insane amount of support along the way.

I need dat.

Working for someone else was never the vibe

I was a high school history teacher, then a bartender, and then homeless. 😬

After clawing my way out of an abusive relationship, healing from PCOS and 2 eating disorders, I started helping myself. It simply felt VIBEY AF and I found my purpose. I wanted to help others do the same. So that's what I did. And that's why I'm here

Learn more about my story

You in?

Subscribe for 1 weekly email with vibey inspiration and the tough love when you need a fire under your ass. 🔥